
Our collection of publications chosen or commissioned to demonstrate, guide and support excellence in protected areas management and governance

Capacity Development for Conservation Practitioners and Organisations in Melanesia and the South Pacific: Current challenges of demand and supply

Authors: Dedee Woodside and Philippa Walsh

This is a report of a short scoping exercise intended to set the scene for further discussion and planning by PAC (Protected Area Collaboration for Learning and Research) and its network of collaborators in the South Pacific region and Melanesia in particular.

The report summarises the current situation, the need for a clear capacity building strategy driven from within the region, and the demand for appropriate support and services. It focusses on the nature of the capacity building challenges and possible responses and the need for a coordinated support network and suppliers (providers) to enhance capacity in key areas. .

See below for the full report. An executive summary is available here.

PAC Protected area short courses: Feasibility Study

Author: Rosalie Chapple

In March 2019 PAC (then PALRC) launched a report on Protected Area Short Courses in Australia, Asia and the Pacific: training issues, needs and recommendations prepared by Rosalie Chapple.

A shorter form Consultation Brief was also released seeking engagement of target audiences with new short courses being proposed as outcomes of the review.

We commend the Review and the Consultation Brief, which carries an invitation for comment. And, we encourage reading and commentary on the report, as well as using your social media networks to publicise its availability.

For more information please or to provide comment on the feasibility study, please contact Rosalie Chapple or the PAC Development Director.

Protected Area Governance and Management

Editors: Graeme L. Worboys, Michael Lockwood, Ashish Kothari, Sue Feary and Ian Pulsford

Protected Area Governance and Management presents a compendium of original text, case studies and examples from across the world, by drawing on the literature, and on the knowledge and experience of those involved in protected areas.

The book synthesises current knowledge and cutting-edge thinking from the diverse branches of practice and learning relevant to protected area governance and management. It is intended as an investment in the skills and competencies of people and consequently, the effective governance and management of protected areas for which they are responsible, now and into the future.

The book has been compiled by 169 authors and deals with all aspects of protected area governance and management. It provides information to support capacity development training of protected area field officers, managers in charge and executive level managers. It will be available free online in February 2015.

Communities, conservation and livelihoods

Author: Anthony Charles

In most places around the world, people are an integral, sometimes dominant, part of the environment. This has two implications. First, a key requirement for sustainability success lies in finding ways to meet the dual goals of conserving nature and providing for the well-being and quality of life of people. Second, while conservation and stewardship certainly require considering the problems created by human impacts, they can also draw on the considerable potential of humans to solve a range of environmental challenges.

Global sustainability requires corresponding responses at a global level. Equally, there is a need for bottom-up change. This book explores how local communities around the world are successfully responding to threats to the environment and local livelihoods. As communities continue to make a difference at the forefront of conservation, it is an auspicious moment to explore the links of community environmental stewardship, sustainable livelihoods and government engagement, and to appreciate the ‘power of community’.