Examples of good practice - Management plans and strategies

  • Daintree National Park Management Plan 2019 (pdf)

    This management plan has been released by the Queensland Government (Australia). Daintree is one of Queensland’s iconic national parks, and forms part of the Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Area. The national park is located 100km north of Cairns within land of the Eastern Kuku Yalanji Bama (Aboriginal people). The management plan was developed jointly with the Eastern Kuku Yalanji Aboriginal people and the Queensland Government. A significant feature of this plan is the approach of incorporating Eastern Kuku Yalanji Bama’s values and their connection to country into the Queensland Values Based Management Framework and World Heritage criteria. The plan is developed around the Cultural landscape of the Eastern Kuku Yalanji Bama and uses Eastern Kuku Yalanji language throughout the document.

  • Hinchinbrook Island National Park Management Plan 2017  (pdf)
    The Queensland state government of Australia has released a management plan for the World Heritage-listed Hinchinbrook Island National Park, located offshore from the town of Cardwell.  A key feature of this plan is the Values Based Management Framework which “provides structure for strategic planning, and incorporates key steps for monitoring progress, evaluating performance, and reporting on the effectiveness of management actions over time.”

  • Tasmanian Land Conservancy Strategic Plan 2016-2020 (pdf)
    The Tasmanian Land Conservancy’s 2016-2020 Strategic Plan sets the course of work for the TLC in achieving conservation on private land in the state of Tasmania, Australia. The Tasmanian Land Conservancy is a registered environmental organisation in Australia.

  • Wilsons Promontory Conservation Action Plan 
    Parks Victoria, January 2017.  This is the first plan launched since Parks Victoria adopted a “best-practice approach to conservation planning for managing the extensive parks estate across Victoria.” Using the conservation action planning (CAP) methodology, Parks Victoria can “identify and focus on strategies that will achieve the greatest improvement in the overall health of ecosystems”.

  •  Wunambal Gaambera Healthy Country Plan (Wunambal Gaambera Aboriginal Corporation, 2010)
    This plan sets out the Wunambal Gaambera Aboriginal people’s vision, targets, strategies, actions and monitoring program “to help us look after and keep our Country and culture healthy, and build the capacity and wealth of our families to live on and secure futures from our Country” on the Uunguu Coast Kimberley region of the state of Western Australia.


Recommended reference books, guidelines and standards


Examples of good practice - Management effectiveness evaluation, conservation monitoring and State of Parks reporting